Monday, May 6, 2013

Ananda marga is a world wide socio-spritual mission founded by Shri Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar. It teaches scientific practices of selfdevlopment to all free of charge. it is also social service organization helping the disaster-affected and the needy and neglected in all nations 
        It has emerged as a global force at this moment in human history.when there is the greatest need for a holistic approach to the world's problems- economic crisis, Psychic alienation, disunity and strife.
the solution begins with a change the individual- physically, mentally and spritually-through scientific practices that develop one's potentialities.As we gradually develop ourselves we increase our ability to deal effectively with the challenges of life and to solve the problems of the society. And as our minds expand, we transcend the artificial barriers and prejudices of race, creed and nation which divide us we unite together and work actively to liberate all of humanity from economic and psychic exploitation and to buid a healthy and harmonious society.
      Ananda Marga is a universal movement of people dedicated to its goals of self-realization and the welfare of humanity. Anand Marg literally means "The path of bliss"-the way that leads both the individual and society to the highest goal.

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